We pay you 50 times your loan amount in 275 days, or we cheerfully refund the full amount you loaned to Omygosh (immediately upon receipt of your written your request)
Your money will be held securely in an escrow account where it cannot be lost or stolen or taken from you
With virtually no prior experience Omygosh Trust and Trading is Emerald City's premier offshore opportunity organization.
We offer free in-home estimates of our borrowing needs with online scheduling of loans from you, the lender, to us, the borrower, direct from our WebPage. Our Loan Arranger and our Loan Coordinators make it easy for you to initiate a personal, private party loan agreement. Please send cashier's check or money order by private courier. (Do not send cash wrapped in foil and do not use the US Postal Service.) .
Then you simply wait for the eventual delivery of packs upon completion of the transaction. Our success comes from hiring only the best professionally-trained leaders who are certified in...
 Carpet and upholstery cleaning
 Electrical rewiring
 Flood damage restoration.
We provide our staff with state-of-the-art techniques - the most advanced subliminal mind control tactics available to keep you happily confused while you wait!